by bcourt

March 11, 2015

This video of Downingtown PA’sĀ Paramount Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) Instructor and 2nd degree Black Belt Brad Court squaring off against one of the “Lil Ninjas” (4-8 year olds) students is fantastic! The benefits a child gets from a thorough Martial Arts program are truly amazing: Confidence, Respect, Discipline, Focus, and of course Realistic Self-Defense skills.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is the ONLY martial art that effectively teaches students what to do if a bigger, stronger person is on top of them (the most common bully scenario). Watch this student use his Jiu-Jitsu against his instructor:

A child with confidence is unstoppable! A confident child will never be a victim, will always strive to achieve their goals and never settle for second best. Arm your child with the life skills that will lead them to a lifetime of success. Visit Paramount Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu’s Downingtown PA location:

530 Trestle Place
Trestle Bridge Business Park
Downingtown, PA 19335
(Intersection of Rt. 322 and Boot Rd. behind the Wawa)

Click HERE for more information on the programs or call 610-269-1127 to get started. If you visit us in March we’ll give you an Entire Month of Free Classes!

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