by bcourt

March 18, 2015

When most people think of bullying they picture the classic ‘big kid picking on little kid’ scenario. But the truth is, there is a much more complex dynamic to bullying. Many times there are other children involved, either as part of the bullying or witnesses to the bullying. Much of the bullying dynamic revolves around each child’s personality as well as their confidence and self-esteem. That’s where the Martial Art Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu comes in.

Take a look at the chart below, from





The main weapon in the fight against bullies is confidence. A more confident child is:

  • Less likely to be a victim of bullying
  • Less likely to participate in bullying
  • More likely to stand up for someone being bullied

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) teaches a child confidence not only through positive reinforcement, but through the activities in each and every class. Because BJJ allows a smaller, weaker person to control and defeat a bigger, stronger person it fosters an environment where anyone who consistently attends class is all but guaranteed to increase in confidence.

All of the legislation in the world isn’t going to stop bullying. What will stop bullying is children who are not afraid to stand up for themselves and others. Give your child the gift of confidence by enrolling them in a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu program like the one at Paramount BJJ in Downingtown, PA.

Click HERE or call 610-269-1127 for more information on our Free Orientation and 1-on-1 Intro Lesson.

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